"Where there is gratitude there is strength. Where there is love there is light. Where there is intention there is progress. Where there is spirit, there is freedom."
Welcome to your FREE 4-week gratitude series!
I am extremely thankful for you and I wanted to express that by creating 4 weeks of free yoga classes during my favorite time of the year. I love November because of Thanksgiving. I love to live my life like it is Thanksgiving every day. Around this time I set the intention to be even more mindful of all that I am grateful for. Starting with, YOU! Thank you for showing up today. Thank you for supporting me by taking my classes, reading my blogs, and mostly for the love and support you've shown me over the years. Every one of you here today has crossed by path in some special way or form and I want to thank you for that. Please enjoy these classes every week and know that they were created with love, joy, and gratitude. Thank you for you love, your intentions, your light, and your spirit.
Week Four: Meditation and mixed flow
Intention: "Where there is spirit there is freedom."
With the hustle and bustle of every day life, it's key to give our mind, body, heart, and spirit time to re-charge and rest. Meditation is such a special tool that can offer a space to unwind, listen, re-focus, ask for help, set an intention, breathe, invite in new possibilities, and let go of anything holding you back. If you're anything like me, when I was introduced to meditation for the first time, the idea of having to sit still and quiet my mind sounded like the most difficult task in the world. My mind is constantly going a million miles a minute, I am very type-A, active, outgoing, etc. So instead of saying, "meditation isn't for me," I asked myself, "How can I make meditation work best for me?" I realized that yoga is my meditation and when I am able to flow and get in my body while breathing and focusing on an intention, I drop into that balanced and grounded space a lot faster. When allow my body move consciously before attempting to find stillness, I have more success with my meditation practice. For this reason I wanted to give you guys a glimpse into my own home meditation practice. I have given you guys both a little mixed level flow practice to get yourself into your body, before you settle in for the meditation. If stillness and quiet is your jam and you can jump right into the meditation, be my guest. :) If you're more like me, I invite you to open both of these videos, practice the mixed level flow first, and then settle into your comfortable seat for the recorded meditation. (Fun Fact: Yogic texts teach that the purpose of yoga is to prepare the mind and body for meditation.)