"Where there is gratitude there is strength. Where there is love there is light. Where there is intention there is progress. Where there is spirit, there is freedom."
Welcome to your FREE 4-week gratitude series!
I am extremely thankful for you and I wanted to express that by creating 4 weeks of free yoga classes during my favorite time of the year. I love November because of Thanksgiving. I love to live my life like it is Thanksgiving every day. Around this time I set the intention to be even more mindful of all that I am grateful for. Starting with, YOU! Thank you for showing up today. Thank you for supporting me by taking my classes, reading my blogs, and mostly for the love and support you've shown me over the years. Every one of you here today has crossed by path in some special way or form and I want to thank you for that. Please enjoy these classes every week and know that they were created with love, joy, and gratitude. Thank you for you love, your intentions, your light, and your spirit.
Week Three: Hatha Yoga
Intention: "Where there is intention there is progress."
This 30 minute Hatha yoga class is suited for all levels of yoga. In Hatha we take our time settling into the poses, focusing on alignment and breath. Once we are rooted and grounded in our postures, we take 3-5 long breaths before flowing into our next shape. While we do move slower in this class, we also experience the opportunity to challenge both our physical and mental strength. Hatha offers the opportunity to arrive in the present moment completely, as there is more time in between the poses. This class will invite you to turn inward. This class will focus on engaging your physical body while creating a conscious breath pattern, thus creating a strong and grounded foundation for your whole self. This class will leave you feeling strong, grounded, and centered. Please modify and adjust as you please, and as always trust your body--it is the true guide in your practice. I hope you enjoy! Namaste.